Building the Right Attitude to Freelance Work

2 min readJul 19, 2020

There’s no gainsaying that you need a good attitude to succeed as a freelance writer. This is because attitude, they say, is everything. Here are few tips on how to build the right work attitude.

1. Use your time productively

Successful freelance writers spend their time productively. They understand the importance of time management, and as such, they stay focused on their job.

To become a productive writer,

  1. use the right tools,
  2. stay away from distractions (phone calls, emails, and social media) as much as possible when you’re writing,
  3. publish a blog post,
  4. start writing that e-book you’ve always wanted to write,
  5. create your own soft tool,
  6. and write a guest post.

You should always fill your time with productive work and use your spare time to rest. If there’s no client job to work on, then work on your own project.

Lastly, you need to organize your work by developing a work plan, and sticking to it.

2. Market your expertise

Every freelance writer should realize that writing great copy is just half of the job; the other half is marketing your work.

Personally, I feel that the marketing aspect is even more important because it’s what ensures that you get work regularly.

Find time during your week to seek new opportunities;

  1. write guest posts,
  2. pitch new clients,
  3. bid for jobs on freelance platforms
  4. and search the internet for paid writing jobs.

3. Follow-up

One good way to keep track with clients is through follow-up. Send reminders to those contacts you previously pitched who have not responded.

Who knows, your emails might be hiding somewhere in the junk folder. So sending them reminders might not be out of place.

Most times these people get too many guest-posting requests per day. You did not get a response because their mail inbox is filled with many such requests.

However, you could be lucky to get a feedback if you send a follow-up mail.

The next level…

The next level in your freelance writing career is to expand your reach. One way to do this is creating your own content marketing company.

It’s quite important to build a content marketing team to include content writers, designers, software developers, SEO experts etc.

During the course of your freelance writing career, you must have met and worked with many experienced resources that you can build your team around. Leverage the connection you’ve built over time to create a powerful team and take the world by storm.

In conclusion, becoming a full-time freelance writer within three months is achievable. However, it has to be a calculated move.

You must ensure that you’re already earning sizable income as a part-time freelance writer for some time before taking the final plunge.

If you follow the advice and tips shared herein, you’d be surprised how much progress you can make within a short period of time.




If content is King & I am the king’s Maker. Writes about Marketing, Ecommerce, Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Tech, and anything that interests me. Writer For Hire